Ballymena Borough Council Principal Sponsor

Ballymena Borough Council has signed up to be the principal sponsor for the 2012 Ballymena Borough Business Excellence Awards. The awards are organised annually by Ballymena Borough Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

 L-R: Raymond Ruck (Chamber President), Alison Moore (Chamber Of Commerce), Mayor Hubert Nicholl, Anne Donaghy (Town Clerk and Chief Executive Ballymena Borough Council) and Chris Wales (Chamber Business Development Manager)

Announcing the sponsorship deal, Raymond Ruck, Chamber President said

“I am delighted to announce that Ballymena Borough Council have agreed to be the principal sponsor for the 2012 Business Awards. The Council have always supported this celebration of business achievement and it’s especially poignant that they will be the principal sponsor in 2012 as it marks a huge milestone with this being the tenth anniversary of the event.

We’ve seen growth in interest, attendance and applications for the awards every year since we started, with last year 400 people attending the Gala evening. It’s always great to see the mix of businesses at the awards, representing sectors from retail to manufacturing to services. And it allows Ballymena to showcase the best businesses and practices to outside bodies perhaps looking to locate new businesses.  

I’m glad to say that Chamber has always had an excellent working relationship with Ballymena Borough Council over many years and I thank them for their continued support, not only of the awards but Chamber in general. I look forward to this business focused approach continuing into the future”.

Mayor of Ballymena, Councillor Hubert Nicholl said ‘As principal sponsor Ballymena Borough Council recognise the importance of commerce and the strength it brings to the local economy. Council have always had a partnership approach with its business sector, be it retail, manufacturing or services. Ballymena’s reputation is well know as a place to shop, a place to invest, a place where there is a forward looking and skilled workforce, along with a ‘can do’ attitude to business and an excellent entrepreneurial spirit.

These awards bring

  • Recognition to those who excel in their field
  • Create healthy but friendly competition
  • Increase standards within the business sector and
  • Promote Ballymena as a place of business excellence

I would encourage all businesses to apply to the various categories within the programme.

The Mayor added ‘We recognise the economic climate at present. I know Council have drawn down considerable external funding to the Borough over the past 24 months and already have been successful in a number of funding applications for the next 12 – 24 months in tourism, urban regeneration and the social economy. These projects will bring additional business opportunities to the area. It is this pro active approach that makes our Borough a business success.’

Alison Moore, who heads up the organizing committee for the awards, added

“Planning is already well under way for this year’s awards. Once again Chamber will be employing Insight Mystery Shopping to carry out the judging and the Tullyglass House Hotel, an excellent facility we are fortunate to have in Ballymena, will again be hosting the gala evening. The date for this year’s award ceremony is Thursday 11 th October – which may seem a long way off but it will soon come round so put this date in your diary now. I am confident that this will be another brilliant evening”.

If you require any further information about the Business awards please contact Chris Wales at or 07876 758797

Photo courtesy of John McIlwaine


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Ballymena Borough Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 4 Wellington Court, Ballymena, BT43 6EQ


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